Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Keeping it Up, Consistency is Everything

Staying consistent, grinding out the 1500 hands of 6 max everyday. I've played 3 sessions since my last post. On sunday I was still kinda high on THC and started playing. I really thought I was fine but wasn't. With my new outlook on things and my new 'responsible poker player who actually makes money and isn't gambling foolishly half the time' thing going I really can't be high or drunk when I'm playing. But I really thought I was fine. I wasn't fine, and still was a little high. I lost 206 for the session. I felt like I should stop playing cause I was bluffing way to much but was torn between keeping up my responsible mindset 'don't start playing a session unless your gonna play the full 1500 hands' so I finished the 1500 hands and lost the 200 bucks.
I can't seem to control my emotions at all when I am high. I also can not seem to fight the urge to bluff people off hands when I know what they have. It's pretty sick how I know exactly what 2 cards my opponents are holding and still can't get em to fold. This is one of the things that will always bother the shit outta me. PEOPLE DON'T FOLD! They just get way to compelled to call. And don't tell me they know I'm bluffing. It's because they have no discipline. Whenever I have the best hand and I bet they call. Whenever I don't have the hand and I bet they call. This is why I'm making alot of money right now, cause nobody lays anything down. Everytime I have the goods they pay for my kids college.
I had this asswipes hand pegged perfectly. I was saying he has Ace 7, Ace 7, Ace 7. I put him on A7 and knew all he had was a pair of aces with a shit kicker on the river. I bet half his stack and he thinks forever and calls, he had Ace 8. And I lose and then say 'why do I do this to myself?'
And don't tell me he had a read on me and it was a great call. Sometimes there are cases like that, but most of the time it's just because the people I play all suck. If they had a read on me and were calling for that reason then they would fold when I do have them beat. But they don't. Like I said when I have and when I don't have it, they can't lay anything down.
I make hero calls with extremely weak hands at times, and it's not from sucking, it's from having a great read and knowing what the other player has. Most players who play the stakes I play can't play above the rim like that.
So anyway, It just really urks me how I can have someone read so well that I think he has Ace 7, he actually has Ace 8 (same difference) and he still won't fold. That means if I had special glasses that let me see through people's cards, I would still lose money bluffing. (sigh)
Thats why you have to be patient and wait for hands. Life will always be hard, money will never come easy. These idiots play so bad they force you to have to play patiently and wait for hands. Life will always be difficult because these losers will always let their ego talk them into calling when you have jack shit. You better have the goods when you bet, or you got no chance. These dooshbags take a lot of the skill out of it by paying everything off anytime they have the most remote inkling of a solid hand.
I was so upset with myself sunday that I played while not excatly sober that I started another session that night. I won 262 in that 1500 hand session, and wind up profiting only 56 bucks for the day. If I had just played only the good sober session Sunday it would been another very solid day.
Last night I played a very swingy session. I was up like 170 or so and then 5 minutes later I was even. After losing like 77 dollars in one hand where I took such a disgustingly brutal suckout on 1 table, and was forced out of several smaller pots on all 3 other tables, I took a huge hit and downswinging badly. The suckout was so so so bad. Me and another bigstack saw a flop of Q 5 3 after he 3bet me preflop.
A 3bet means I raised, (2 bet) and he reraised (3bet) preflop. I made it $2.50, which is 2 on top of the big blind. He reraised me 5 more to $7.50 total. I call with 33. I flop the set, he bets big I reraise, he goes all in to my delight. I am a little worried about a set of queens but I gotta call with my set. He probly has KK. After the turn and river the board was Q 5 3 5 Q. And he wins the pot with AQ, queens full of fives. What a ridiculously lucky suckout.
That hurt real bad. And coincidentally I was getting my ass handed to me, being bluffed out of several other pots, or maybe they had me beat, I don't know, I folded though. I made a nice comeback later on. I finshed up only 108 bucks for the session. So I've made only 164 profit in the last 2 days. Wack. I'm sure I'll have a big win tomorrow though.
From now on I have to make sure I am completely 100% sober before I play at all. Which means either finish playing before I do anything fun each day. Or not smoking or drinking at all unless I have already played that day. I've only had 2 losing sessions out of my last 10. And I was still a little high for both losing sessions. Coincidence? I think not.
I don't even like smoking weed that much. I really just do it to be social I think. I wonder what it would be like to have a girlfriend that isn't a pothead.
I really have never been that close to any girl that wasn't a pothead. I would like to give it a try. But girls that don't smoke tend to have ignorant outlooks on life. Obviously this is not true in all cases. But chances are a girl who doesn't smoke, would disapprove of what i choose to do for a living. Hell, even girls who smoke disapprove.
Sunday we were watching football and one of my best friends girlfriend told me if I continue to play poker for a living the only girl that would be with me would be a dumb tramp. And an intelligent woman would be turned off by the apparent 'instability' of my profession.
Well I say she is dead wrong. An intelligent woman would be turned off even before she knew what I do for a living. HAHA..............
I sometimes wonder if BBL would still be around if I never played poker. But if I had to bet on it I would say that completely ridiculous to even consider. That was not like her at all to be ignorant. She thought very similar to how I think. But the question did arise in my head at one point. I'd say the chances are 100 to 1 though, at best.
This other girl who I used to chill with would not even wanna listen to me talk about poker hands and scenarios. I think not showing any interest in this unique and extremely multilayered game I love shows an extreme lack of intelligence. I am reallt not down with girls that are stupid. And I am really really not down with girls that are ignorant.
Ignorant people will always tell you that poker is no way to make a living. But they only know what they're told. They say things without knowing the whole story. They know nothing about poker and still claim it's not steady enough.
You tellin me if you start a business your definately gonna profit? You ever seen an 'going out of business' sign. Life is a gamble, I really don't see poker as an insecure profession at all anymore. It's not that poker isn't secure, it's that people aren't. If your not secure, your ability to profit is not secure. But if you are secure, poker is secure.
With the sucess I am having and the sucess I have always had during the stints where I treat poker like a job, I honestly feel more comfortable and financially secure playing poker than I would do anything. It's all about keeping your A game 100% of the time, whether your losing or winning, up or down, keep playing your A game and the money will come. It's a mathematical certainty that after enough hands skill will prevail.
If you were Kobe Bryant and someone wanted to bet you money in a basketball contest, would you feel like you were gambling??
Remember betting Kobe in a basketball match is just as stupid as playing Phil Ivey in poker (I was gonna say me, but that would be a stretch). Kobe would show you how stupid you are for betting him in about 5 seconds of round ball. Phil would show you stupid you are in about 5 hours of poker. Poker is all skill, I promise you. It just takes longer to show.

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