Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The First Regrettable Atlantic City Trip Report

I managed to prove the statements I made in my last post exactly correct during my recent trip to AC. I said that winning or losing is a choice last post and boy did I prove it. I lost a lot of money playing live this trip and I really don't care at all. I didn't play well at all, I didn't even try and ofcourse I lost horribly each day. It's all a blur now, I don't know how long we were there. Me and my boy Curly and my Polish friend Narska who I'm helping get good at poker all went down Thursday night. And as soon as we got there the slacking off began immediately.
"Fuck playing poker tonight I don't wanna deal with that shit! Let's get wasted!"
It was Narska birthday and Curly doesn't play poker at all so the whole trip was not really focused on getting work done. We got really hammered and it was great. But that first night we didn't really meet and hotties. It's rare that the three of us would go out drinking anywhere, especially in AC were girls are usually everywhere, and not meet any girls. But we just didn't, no one was really out at the bars except old people. We had a room at the Tropicana for very cheap cause of the poker rate and it was great. We were so smashed.
The next day me and Narska played poker in the Tropicana's sub par poker room. I could not get myself to paly good at all. I was up 250 and then got sucked out on big with top pair. My KQ saw a board of K 9 7 and I bet like 25 bucks and got 2 callers. The turn came a 3 and it checked to me as I bet 45 bucks. The short stack pushes all in for 31 more. The other guy folds. Now I know I am beat, but have to call cause only 31 more with almost 200 in the pot. I say'whatta ya got over there? Queen three suited? And I make a crying call. He says 'wow, nice call' and sure enough shows me Q3 of diamonds for 2 pair. I need to catch a King on the river to make a better 2 pair. I do not. He sucks out on the turn with that damn 3 and scoops a nice pot.
I then made a checkraise semi bluff against some idiot with pocked aces. It was a good move by me if I was playing against a good player. But it was bad player and you should never reraise a bad player who pocket aces. This idiot did not even think for a second that I might have a set or 2 pair he just instashoved all in for the rest of his stack of 215 bucks. I only had 75 invested and should have folded but decided to gamble because with flushdraw and inside straight draw I was only a 45% underdog.
Remember kids, a checkraise semi bluff is a good play if u have alot of outs. But only against a good player cause a good player will fold his aces, putting u on a set. This play has value due to the fact that if you make him fold you win and if he doesn't you still win close to half the time anyway. But if there is a zero percent chance he will fold cause he's a fuckin idiot who wouldn't lay down aces if his life depended on it, then it's a bad play. So I fucked up here. I gambled and called his all in and his aces held. I lost a huge pot.
Then I was gambling stupidly the rest of the session. And the next day at the Borgata I gambled foolishly again the whole time. I was raising without looking at my cards alot. I got into another big hand where I gambled to try and get a big stack and win a monster pot. Again I was holding a flushdraw and inside striaght draw, diamonds again against some idiots and her pocket rockets. It was so obvious what she had and I still moved my stack in. Here I am only a 45% dog again but lost this huge pot as well. So I lost 2 coinflips that woulda gave me gigantic stacks. I had a lot of fun that night and was calling out people's hands like crazy. This one guy was really impressed, I don't see why. I think it's so easy to know what people are holding in Texas holdem, you only have 2 cards, it's so easy to know what people have. It's not like I can call out people's hole cards in 5 card draw. Texas holdem is 2 hole cards damnit, if you can't do it, you need to practice, it's so easy.
I put together a good short session at the tropicana later on in the wee hours of the morning. But the next day at Bally's I screwed up again. It was a loose easy game to beat but I played so bad. I just played horribly the whole trip. I refused to lay anything down. Every session I kept paying people off. I was playing so loose preflop too, it was disgusting. But it was fun. On the way home I counted all the hands where I knew exactly what hand my opponent was gonna show me if I called but called anyway. I could have saced like over 1000 bucks if I layed down all the hands I knew I should have. I just kept hoping I would suck out on people. I played with no patience or dscipline the whole time. I think I finished down like 8 or 900 bucks, lol.
And I owe Narska a lot of money for the room at the Trop and all the hundos I borrowed to play when I kept losing. I wanna cash out online really bad and go back to AC and redeem myself. Go alone, with no distractions. No drinking, just grinding.
I just finished a solid session online where I made 265 profit. I kick ass 4 tabling online. I'll go back to AC soon enough and play well and win a G.
I regret screwing around so much this last trip to AC but it was a great time. There's so much more to say about what happened. Like how all the assholes in the AC poker rooms can't seem to refrain from mouthing off constantly. And anyone who loses a hand crys and becomes an asshole. Some kid yelled at me and said 'your not on TV bro!' because I was asking him questions about his hand and he thought I was just trying to act weak cause I was strong. But I actually was weak and was legitimately concerned he had me beat. He thought I was acting to try to get a call. And he went crazy. Some other guy at Narska's table was caught with a mashedi in his jacket, no joke. He was kicked out.
It's hard to enjoy live poker cause everyone gets so upset when they lose and their ugly side shows itself. People are all scum. When I lose a hand I say 'nice hand' no matter what. If you can't handle the swings, stay home. Stop making poker miserable for everyone.
The whole trip was a blur. People being dickheads when they lose drove me crazy the whole time. As did people's stupidity in how they play. So did my lack of effort. And that bitch BBL kept popping up in my head. And I was never in the mood to chase girls at the bars cause I was losing money every day. When I have a big win I am pumped and feel confident, but never had one cause I kept fuckin up.
Man, playing live is so slow and when you play online you got so many tables going that you always have a good hand somewhere. Live can be so draining and rough. I wanna stick to online for a while and just play live tournies. With all the money I wasted playing this trip, I coulda just entered a 500 dollar tounry and gave myself a chance at 40k. Live and learn.
All in all I don't give a shit what happened to me this weekend. I can make it all back online and more. And I will...............

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