Friday, December 19, 2008

Awake when your sleeping.......... Asleep when your awake

Its 2 am and my day has started like 3 hours ago. I been kicking ass online lately, and have not been screwing around at all. I've done nothing but get online, playing my 1500 hands and then logging off until the next day. Yesterday sucked I only won 140 profit, which is very dissapointing and I'll be looking to redeem myself tonight. They day before that I won 206 and before that 280 or so. I think I already reported it last post. So I've had 2 good days since then. I don't think I played that well last night. I hit a real cold stretch and somewhat tilted for a short period of time. I flopped trip aces with A6, a hand I should not have called a raise with in the first place and saw a flop of AAQ and had trips. My opponent bet the pot after I checked and I moved in. He instacalled and I did not feel good about my chances at all. So another Q hits the turn and king on river. The board read AAQQK and I just felt like I lost, like he had 4 queens or AK. Turned out he had AQ and had flopped the nuts! He bet it pretty hard too and it confused me and I moved in. I was saved by the Q on the turn and was lucky to split the pot. That Q on the turn saved me like 45 bucks. I could've only made like 100 last night and it woulda sucked. It was just such a wierd hand. I've never held an ace and saw a board of AAQQ on the turn and still felt like I was losing in all my years of poker.
So things are looking real good since only profiting 140 is a bad day. The Frank that goes on tilt and drops 700 in a night playing people heads up is gone. I mean it this time, he's really gone. I'm sticking to the plan. I've made approximately 1200 bucks in 6 sessions, or 6 playing days of 1500 hands each. I expect to make more over the next 6 session stretch cause I'm playing almost only 50 max now, where as the first 2 session of these last 6 were at 25 max.
Considering I only play/work approximately 4 hours a day, I've made 1200 bucks in 24 hours, I believe thats roughly 50 bucks an hour.
I think thats enough incentive to keep up this routine. Sign in, play the 1500 hands, no more, no less, record how much you win, sign out. Thats its, its this simple. Keep this up for a year and I should make like almost 75 grand. 2009 is my year baby. No more foolish gambling, gonna take poker very very seriously and I'm gonna keep this up all year. Winning or losing is a choice.
Anytime I feel like playing but not seriously I'm going to play those FPP tourneys and stock up my tournament dollars. Soon enough I'll have so many tournament dollars I can enter big tournies on pokerstars and all will cost me is FPP's. I just came in 2nd out of 10 in 2 of those little FPP tournys, wack. Flopped trip 2's and got it all in about to snag the win. When a miracle 7 on the river gave my opponent a better trips........ rough. Bad luck does not frustrate me nearly as much as how annoying and immature everyone who plays poker is. Check out this chat these two losers were having.

luvthejordan [observer]: ur a loserluvthejordan
[observer]: runner runner
Co1dBl00D: who still playin now huh
Co1dBl00D: keep observing

Your really going to actually dignify someone with answer when they're calling you a donk through their chatbox then your the biggest donk of all. I'm gonna start playing a real session now, be done in 4 hours, hope to make close to 300.......... brb

Bam, just finished played 1514 hands took like 4 hours and made 349 profit. What a sick sick session. I am the man. I got kinda rattled halfway through when I was up 200 and then took a horrible suckout and lost a massive pot when my 2 pair lost to a rivered set. I got the guy to put all his money in just like I wanted but he sucked out on river. I was a little shaky after that and soon was only up 100, but I recovered nicely. I got all that guy's money back an hour later when he tried to bluff me as I was holding the second nuts. He coulda have a straightflush and beat me but I knew he didn't have a frigen straight flush. I insta called. Wow, very nice profit tonight.
Here is the last 7 days since I've been doing the 1500 hands and then stop playing gig.

12/8 25max NLH 1505 hands +283
12/9 25max NLH 1536 hands -70
12/10 25max, 50max NLH 1503 hands +367
12/16 25max, 50max NLH 1504 hands +265
12/17 25max, 50max NLH 1519 hands +206
12/18 25max, 50max NLH 1508 hands +140
12/19 50max NLH 1514 hands +349

Yeah baby. Just gotta keep up this routine. Can't wait to buy lots of shit. I'm gonna be a different color track suit for each day of the week. Peace out.............

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