Sunday, January 3, 2010

20k hands and my Own Apartment

You have to be aggressive but conservative at the same time.

How does that work genius?

Well you have to so intent on staying conservative that you have to attack conservation aggressively. Without an aggressive approach conservation will not be reached. Its to hard to be conservative.

Play 20k hands, give yourself 3 weeks to a month. 20k hands without checking what your up or down at any time. Then cashout. 20k is the only way to truly iron out variance. 20k hands of the right decision. Cashout soon after...........

This is whats was on my mind 2 months back. But I mine as well post it. I wanted to do it online but to truly prove results I'd have to put the 20k worth of hands in via LIVE poker. It would take months. I could do it in 2 weeks online.

And 2 months later, finishing up these thoughts that were stranded here, I can only say that financially poker is not worth it unless I'm gonna play a tournament that will score me huge if I win/place 2nd/3rd.

So I continue to run a business that is mucho stressful. Life is hard and I don't have enough free time. But the amount of beautiful girls I see at work everyday just makes it all worth it.

I find myself worrying about what I would do if I had to be committed to whichever honeybaby I'm gazing upon at the time. I'm not even with the honeybaby and yet I still find a way to worry about having to give up all the other honeybabies. Because they're all so beautiful in so many different ways.

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