Monday, June 30, 2008

Finally takin a Break

Well, well I am so sick of playing online. I am going to Atlantic City cause my friend Derick has a room at the Taj where I can have my own bed and its only costing me 7 bucks a night, which is pretty much the same as free. Played really well online the other night woah! I was so calm a collected and peaceful woah! Can u believe how great I played? It might have been the best online poker of my life the other night. I didn't win a lot of money or anything just a few hundred but I just played so well. I was almost down to under 100 bucks, now I have 5% of my bankroll (250-300 bucks) back into my account and put almost as much into my other account where I store my money to be cashed out. So I did real well but then yesterday I decided to risk 216 dollars and try to make some life changing money. 6,500 people entered the sunday million and I finished 3,300th. My worst performance to date, the other two times I finished in the top 1500. Anway here is a really interesting hand I played. I had about 9,000 in chips and was kind of shortstacked, you start out with 10,000 and by this point some stack had around 25-30 thousand. The blinds were 200-400 and 4 people limped in, making the pot 1600, I limped from the small blind for 200 more with 4 2 offsuit. The flop came Ace 5 3 with no flush draw. I had the nuts! I check big stack bets 400 and there was one caller, I raise to 1200 and the better folds quickly but the caller called the extra 800 very quickly. The turn was terrible, 3, making the board A 5 3 3 and now I didn't have the nuts because a full house beats me. My gut instinct was I was beat so I checked, and the caller checked. The river was a Queen and I bet 2000 and he immediately shoved all in. Wow! He does have the boat was my first instinct. In the sunday million the structure is very strange you can't really afford to be too loose preflop, your really only playing premium hands so I had to put him on a flopped set here, which gives him a boat after the board pairs. I really didnt want to fold because my hand was so so so good but if he limps in preflop and then flat calls the first bet after the flop and then cold calls my reraise without even thinking, and pushed all in on the river with no hesitation I just have to give him credit for better than a straight. It did run through my mind that he had a pair of aces and the river made him aces and 3's with a queen kicker and he knew if I had an ace the worst he can do is split the pot in case I had an ace. Or he had AQ and felt he just made a better 2 pair cause I had an ace. But even in that situation he has to be afriad I have a 3 cause I was in the small blind so he may not bet so much with AQ and just decide to call. If he shoves in here he has a boat. Case closed. He either had 5's full or quad 3's. I folded. I know you wouldn't, excuse me most of you wouldn't but I did. And you think it's crazy cause you don't play up here, on my level. So I was left with 5,000 and so shortstacked. I fought back up to 9,500 and then pushed all in with 99 when the dude I put on the fullhouse opened for 2,000 when the blinds were at 400, 800. He had about 18,000 and called off half his chips with big slick, he hit the Ace and the King and I was out. No life changing money, (167 thousand for first place) and I get to start off the week down 216. Today I won back almost all of the entry fee playing people heads up for cash, so I'm only down a little bit. I don't even want to think about online poker for a while, I'm going to AC and I'll be back on the 4th of July most likely, can't wait to play live. I haven't been there in moneth and I have a feeling I'm going to play really well like the other night. Woah! I'm so excited.

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