Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Copa Cabana

At first their were fights many fights. Verbal disagreements I should say.

We used to scoop smoothie mix right out of the bags.

Now we argue no more, now we have cups that make smoothie mix scooping conveniently conducive to good customer service.

Things get better with time. Your always looking back at the past and smile knowing you know get through daily situations so much easier cause with time you've worked out a system.

Soon I'll look back and say "Man, member when we just payed rent and I didn't own the whole building. Member when the other half of the property was that other joint, instead of my pool hall/arcade."

I need less than a bill but more than a mill.

I want that whole building.

Monopolize and move on.

I used to put in 16 hours a day 24/7. It was a 2 week stretch.

Now my schedule is smooth like butter. 12 hour days, 6 a week. Puttin in 72 hours a week and I love it. In time, can incorporate poker into my jammed up weekly schedule to bring in extra money.

See that's how it goes, you make life better with time. And this is still just the beginning, stay ambitious, keep improving, get that damn building.

BBL fades out easier when your so busy and you have 8 wives, joke.....

Not gonna blog too much case you haven't noticed. My writing is way to blunt. Gonna shave tomorrow at 11am to look for profesh. Catch my drift?

That was Brett Randell, he's awesome. Barry Mangione plays this Saturday at 8pm sharp.

It's got that copa feeling on Friday and Saturday nights, stop by its always a good time, and we all know good times aren't easy to find in nothing to do, nowhere to go, boring as hell 'ol Mahopac..................http://twitter.com/BkCoffeeHouse


Cappuccino with 2 sugars, Cajun shrimp salad is what you want. All while enjoying the view sitting outside, live music if you come late Friday or Saturday. You can't go wrong. So come to my cafe asap for good coffee and great company.

Sorry to become Biff Loman at the end. Peace out kids.......